patreon bluesky youtube

maker of thingshaver of website


a little bit about me

Hi! I'm Skye. And this is a website!

I'm a software developer slash content creator slash theme park enthusiast slash human person (presumably.) I'm here to make some weird stuff, drink coffee, and play Factorio afterwards. Whether you're here from my YouTube channel or here from my resume, I hope you like what you see! I'm always trying to find that beautiful, gossamer-thin line between acceptable professionalism and disarming charm.

It is my closely-held belief that the world is simply too interesting to let it go unexamined. I've always taken the opportunity to learn something new - or even just experience something for the first time. I'm known to stop what I'm doing if I see a neat machine doing something interesting, check wikipedia mid-conversation to confirm a suspiscion, and never leave a question unanswered. I am also known to ramble about theme parks for hours and cry at the movies, so it's kinda a mixed bag. Your call.

youtube stuffs

My YouTube channel is a simulation of what it's like to have me talk at you.

I use my videos as an opportunity to tell stories I find interesting, sharpen my skills with video production and editing, and be funny in front of an audience. These handcrafted, artisanal videos are truly a testament to something or other. You know they're art because they all have snappy titles.

some of my projects

Emoji Bathroom (2025)

The logical conclusion to the trend of quirky restaurant bathroom door signage.

This is a non-exhaustive list, of course. I'm just too embarrassed to show you my Unity projects from when I was 12.

getting in touch

Thrilled you decided to reach out!

Amazingly, I am available in a wide variety of ways: